Peter Suka Ririma of DBTS Gabutu receives the International Contribution Award

The Australian Catholic University (ACU) bestowed the ‘International Contribution Award’ 2018 to Peter Suka Ririma, a teacher of Don Bosco Technical School at Gabutu. The ACU gives this award to its graduates who are working in his/her country in their fields of studies such as teaching, counselling, nursing, social works and others.

Peter shares that he started teaching in DBTS in 2009. “It was through DBTS Gabutu that every good things happened in my life. The Salesian work ethics based on St. John Bosco’s Preventive System have formed me as an educator and enabled me to study overseas and eventually win this award.”

“I graduated at ACU with Bachelor of Counselling in 2015. This year (2018), For my work as a teacher counsellor I was given an ‘International Contribution Award 2018’ for my services rendered in educating under privileged young of PNG through Salesian Education System.”

“As a Salesian Educator I see myself as living the spirit of Don Bosco as a lay person and as educator. I do this first by striving to live an exemplary life for my students, among my colleague educators, in my setting and my neighbourhood. Second, I strive to know the young from inside out and be actively present with the young to help guide them so that they will be educated in the spirit of Don Bosco and live a virtuous life in the future.”

“As a Salesian Educator, I feel privileged to win this prestigious prize. For this, I will always be grateful to the Salesians of Don Bosco here in the Vice-Province of PNG & Solomon Islands.”

These are stories of courage, resilience, pain, and everything that comes after. These are the stories of the lives of real people from whom we can all learn something. Moreover, these are stories of love: love that transforms, love that sacrifices, love that endures, and love that shares. By sharing these stories, we hope to share inspiration, hope, and meaning.