New Rector of Provincial House

Feb 29, 2020, Boroko East – Fr. Srimal Gajasinhage Silva SDB was installed as the new Rector of the Salesian Community of the Provincial House during the Eucharist at the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians presided by Fr. Dominic Kachira, Vice Provincial. Fr. Srimal is also the new Provincial Economer of the Vice Province of Blessed Philip Rinaldi and in-charge of the Planning and Development Office (Don Bosco Missions)

Don Bosco

Don Bosco was creative, enthusiastic and enterprising in his work. He wrote and edited booklets, school texts, histories, digests, magazines, fliers, plays. From his earliest years as a priest, Don Bosco communicated through his whole demeanour and person, through games, talking, visiting, preaching, and publishing. Communicating through the internet and publishing is a priority for Salesians. Inspired by this example of Don Bosco and the early Salesians, Social Communication continues an important priority.